It all depends on the size of your organization, the complexity of your projects, your budget, and other factors. You may be perfectly happy with the free version. To help you figure it out, we’ve compared Asana Free vs Premium, and identified the key differences you’ll want to consider. It mostly depends on the type of projects you have and the kind of features you’re looking for. The answer to this question isn’t exactly simple. Now, you’re wondering: Is Asana Free going to be good enough for your team? You’ve done your research, and you know Asana, one of the biggest names in the industry, offers a free version and a paid version. Having the right project management tool can make all the difference in the world when it comes to staying on task and increasing your productivity.

What You’ll Get with Asana Free My Experience with Asana Free What You’ll Get If You Upgrade Asana Free vs Paid: Is Upgrading Worth It?